Friday, January 11, 2013

Our wonderful journey of january the 11

Today, was an interesting... Chemistry was really weird but fun...  So where learning this really hard thing in chemistry.. and i was absent for a day and i missed ALOT. like when i got back i didn't know what was going on honestly. But i know this blog is supposed to be about fashion but i decided to make a thing about today how it was really interesting and weird in a fun kind of way. So chemistry boring as usual but fun because i gotta see my buddies! Anywho, we did practice problems a wooooaaaah i kinda got the hang of it and what your supposed to do. We did a lab later in the class, kyra was the only one that did it right!! (applause to kyra miller :D) and kyra got so mad that me and sergio kept taping on her googles!! it was so funny! but kyra got really mad (im sorry kyrabear)

Anyways, she got really mad but then forgave us yaaay! then break oh my goodness i was about to go crazy, first of all sergio made fun of my makeup said i just said i just threw sand all over my face! Like, really? I wear makeup everyday and the one day you choose to pick on me is about my eye shadow... its ok i can admit it was pretty bad. ugh... but then haha kyra made this really funny comment where  then kyra was like "sergio make fun of my makeup" to like back me up (thanks kyrrraaa :D) and she made this really funny comment that make up is sunscreen for your ugly haha oh my gosh it was so funny. And then kayla brought the whole spongebob thing in "im ugly and im proud!"tumblr_lfaqkcnz1R1qdmlgio1_400.gif.jpg

But then lunch came then i kinda started to get more hated... but then i made a funny comment and sergio and kyra took it really seriously that i told them they were not funny! You should of seen there faces lol. Then, in History i got kinda blown off because kyra and sergio never pay attention to me. i just kinda leave.. ( i know im hating) (they see my rollin they hat in) yeah dont judge. i sing whatever i desire.white-and-nerdy.jpg

So, i did not forget about you paige! i miss you and hope you are having a fun time home schooling i miss you girl and we need to hangout and share our feelings and eat ice cream!! lol but seriously come back to carlsbad!
Overall, my day was really ineresting because i got mostly made fun of but still had alot of laughs! im thankful for my beautiful and (handsome) "sergio" friends i have wait no sergio is beeeeeaaaaaautiffffulll girrrrrllll ;) jk
But yeah! talk to you guys soon and hope you read of how weird i am. bye!


  1. Aw, thanks, miss ya too! I'm sorry you got made fun of by those meanies!

  2. Its ok kyra was there to back me up like always :)

    1. I never got a thank you for my gift.

    2. thank you kayla for your amazing gift :)

    3. Np
      yahhh, maybe eyeprimer would help. IDK they would be so sandy/chalky. Well your birthday is just around the corner. ;D

  3. Yeah, and i think you know what to get me :)
